年級 |
系(組)別 |
考試科目 |
二 |
財金系 |
經濟學 |
1. Which one of the following answers is right? (A)The production possibilities frontier identifies the minimum possible combinations of two goods produced during a given time period. (B)If all resources are used efficiently to produce goods and services, the nation’s output will be outside of its PPF. (C)The slope of the PFF becomes steeper as we move to the right of the graph, which reflects the law of increasing opportunity costs, and the imperfectly adaptable resources. (D)The PPF is bowed in to reflect that additional units of one product produced must sacrifice more and more units of another product. (E)Governments tend to tax products with elastic demand in order to have higher revenues.
2. Which one of the following answers is right? (A)A supply curve intercepting the X axis (切X軸) will have larger elasticity than another supply curve intercepting Y axis. (B)When the price of stock increases, other things constant, the quantities demanded increase, which is the example of violation of the law of demand. (C)The owners of a corporation are stockholders, and they bear unlimited liability for the corporation’s debts. (D)When the price of the giffen goods increases, other things constant, its quantities demanded will increase. (E)The positive statements concern what should be, and the normative statements concern what is.
3. Which one of the following answers is wrong? (A)When demand is price inelastic, total revenue is directly related to price and inversely related to quantity demanded. (B)The more narrowly a product is defined, the more elastic of its demand. (C)The price elasticity of demand or a product will be more inelastic if spending on this product is in a very small proportion of the household’s budget. (D)The price elasticity of weekly demand is smaller than that of yearly demand. (E)Point E is both in demand curve A and demand curve B. If the demand curve A is steeper than curve B, then point E in demand curve A has a larger responsiveness than that of curve B.
4. Which of the following answers is wrong? (A)Indifference curves are convex to the origin because of the law of diminishing marginal rate of substitution. (B)Indifference curves slope downward because marginal utility decreases as more of a product is consumed. (C)Positive cross-price elasticity of demand indicates that two products are complements. (D)If the last dollar spent on product X will generate a higher marginal utility than that of spent on product Y, then you should increase the consumption of product X. (E)When demand is inelastic, the marginal revenue is negative and total revenue is inversely related to output.
5. 以下何者為對? (A)Marginal product與average product相交點之產量亦為marginal cost與average total cost (or AC)相交點之產量 (B)短期average fixed cost不會隨著產量之增加而變動 (C)當marginal product小於average product時,average product會上升,而MP與AP之相交點,為MP曲線之最高點 (D)當MC開始遞增則MP開始遞減 (E)無異曲線分析法屬計數性的效用分析法,只需排列偏好即可而邊際效用分析法是序數性的效用分析法
6. Which of the following answers is right? (A)The average total cost curve and the average variable cost curve move father apart as output increases. (B)When a firm triples all of its inputs and its output only doubles, it is said to be experiencing diseconomies of scale. So the firm should increase the quantity of output produced. (C)The minimum efficient scale. So the firm is the lowest rate of output at which long-run average variable cost is at a minimum. (D)The slope of an isocost cost line is equal to the negative ratio of inputs’ prices, and the slope of an isoquant is MRTS, which indicates the rate at which one input can be substituted for another without affecting total outputs (E)Natural monopoly will serve the market at higher costs than does perfect competition.
7. 以下何者為對?(A)廠商若屬於完全競爭之Constant-cost industry,當市場需求減少,就長期而言,個別廠商之均衡價格與產量不變且利潤為零,但市場總產量會減少且部分廠商也會退出市場 (B)長期平均成本線上各點,是短期平均成本線上之最低點,也為短期成本線之包絡曲線(envelope curve) (C)任何廠商只要追求利潤最大,其邊際收入必等於邊際成本,邊際收入也等於平均收入 (D)短期平均成本與長期平均成本之相切點,亦為短期邊際成本與長及邊際成本之相切點 (E)戲院不是準公共財
8. Which of the following answer is right? (A)Firms in monopolistic competition may earn zero economic profit both in the short and long run. (B)The demand curve faced by a monopolistically competitive firm is less elastic than the demand curve faced by a monopolist, bust is more elastic than the demand curve faced by a perfect-competitive firm. (C)Monopolistic competition is similar to monopoly, in that firms face a downward-slopping demand curve; and similar to perfect competition, in that long-run economic profit is zero. (D)A profit-maximizing firm in monopolistic competition industry should shut down in the short run if prices are less than average fixed costs. (E)The kinked demand curve model is used to explain why the prices in oligopoly industry are unstable, even in the face of constant costs.
9. Which one of the following answers is right? (A) The market values of used cars, bonds and stocks should be included in the accounting of GDP. (B)Regan’s(雷根) supply-side economy in 1980’sworsened the budget deficit, but improved the trade deficit of USA. (C)A cut in individual income taxes, other things constant, could shift the aggregate demand curve outward and aggregate supply curve inward. (D)Trade deficit means that foreigners could obtain money to but our firms and assets. (E)When Taiwan’s price levels and exchange rate (under direct quotation) are higher, export increases and aggregate demand increases.
10. Which of the following is wrong? (A)Keynes believed that wages and prices are relatively inflexible, so the economy will have temporary unemployment. (B)Classical economists believed that the external shocks will only make the short decreases of output, and the economy will adjust the economy to the natural rate of output by the self-correcting nature and flexible price mechanism. (C)Unexpected inflation will benefit the person who pays fixed amounts of loan. (D)The higher the current interest rate, the higher the new investment level; the higher the expected rate of returns, the lower the new investment level. (E)Gresham’s Law states that when different forms of commodity money used simultaneously(同時),the one with more intrinsic value will disappear first.
11. 以下何者為錯?
(A)總合需求之增加造成短期內,成本之成長不如價格快,故工人overtime,供給增加 (B)若經濟社會之產能已達充分就業狀況,政府增加其支出使總合需求增加,就長期而言,將使經濟社會之actual output大於potential output,物價膨脹,實質薪資不變,名目薪資增加 (C)美國私部門及公部門之儲蓄過低,為維持適當的investment,故面臨相當之trade deficit (D)In the sticky wage model, the nominal wage is fully flexible upward but less flexible downward. (E)The larger the contractionary gap, the greater the downward pressure on the price level.
12. Which of the following is wrong? (A)中央銀行以穩定物價及促進就業與經濟成長為首要目標,穩定匯率與利率次之 (B)Travel check is more liquid than demand deposit. So the required reserve ratio of travel check is higher than that of demand deposit. (C)The discount rate(美) or重貼現率(台) is the interest rate charged to commercial banks for loans from other commercial banks. The higher the discount rate, the more the money supply. (D)Excess reserves pay no or lower interest, so banks will keep it at a minimum level, which will increase banks’ profits, but decrease its liquidity. (E)台灣貨幣定義中之M1b不包括郵匯局之轉存帳
13. Which of the following is right? (A)If an initial increase in excess reserves of $20,000 can generate a maximum increase in the money supply of $80,000, the required reserve ratio must be 40%. (B)Assume that there are no excess reserves in the banking system. When the required reserve ratio is 20%, the purchase by the Fed of $10,000 in the government securities has decreased the money supply of $50,000. (C)When borrowers keep part of their loans for idle cash, the money multiplier will increase. (D)A country’s adult population is 180 million, non-labor force is 60 million, and 115 million is employed, then the unemployment rate and labor participation rate is 4.17% and 66.7% respectively. (E)Full employment means that the economy is at natural rate of unemployment and potential output level. While the natural rate of unemployment is the sums of the rate of frictional and cyclical unemployment.
14. Assuming that a country’s per-work production function is yt = 5k t ,yt is output per work, and kt is capital-labor ratio. If the depreciation rate is 0.2, the population growth rate is 0.05, the saving function is St = 0.2Yt, St is the total national saving and Yt is the total output. Under this model, the steady-state values of the capital-labor ratio, output per worker, and consumption is respectively (A)4, 20, 4 (B)16, 20, 16 (C)16, 320, 16 (D)2, 10, 2 (E)None of the above.
1. (20分)若某產品市場內有兩個消費者與兩的供給者,分別為
D1 =20-2PX,D2 =18-3PX,S1 =2+4P2,S2 =3+2P2,
(A) 請繪出市場需求線與市場供給線,並找出equilibrium price and equilibrium quantity。
(B) 政府若將本產品之price floor定為$7,則將有多少超額供給?請以勞動市場最低工資為例,詳細申論此政策之影響及後果。
(C) 若政府定price ceiling為$2,則會有多少超額需求?此時消費者願意支付之總價格應為多少?請以房租管制為例,詳細申論此政策之影響及後果。
(D) 若政府限定本產品之生產量為20單位,則對消費者之影響為何?
(E) 求本產品在價格等於$2之需求的價格彈性。此時你會漲價或降價求售呢?為什麼?
(F) 若政府對每單位產品打$1之銷貨稅額(間接稅),請問消費者需負擔多少?生產者又負擔多少?
(G) 請問生產者剩餘與消費者剩餘各是多少?
(H) 任一條個人之需求曲線如何推導出來?請詳述之。
2. (19分)某一國家國民之行為模式如下:
C = 80 + 0.85Yd Yd = 可支配所得
I = 100
G = 60
NX(淨出口) = 200 - 0.1Yd
T = 200
Yd = Y – T
(A) 請問均衡國民生產淨額,Y,如何找出?為多少?(請利用圖形與數據解釋之)
(B) 乘數為多少?其意義為何?
(C) 當充分就業之國民生產淨額為$1,000時,請問發生膨脹缺口or緊縮缺口?為多少?政府應如何消除之?(請利用圖形與數據討論之)
(D) 若政府增加支出從$60到$100,則均衡國民生產淨額增加或減少多少?為多少?(請利用圖形與乘數討論之)
(E) 請以長期供給曲線(LRAS),短期供給曲線(SRAS)與總合需求線(AD)之總合供需圖形說明(C)小題政府未消除缺口前之情形,並以文字及圖形討論未有政府參與前之短期與長期均衡所在,及其所在之原因與調整過程。
(F) 請以Income-expenditure圖形,以及LRAS,SRAS與AD之總合供需圖形說明(D)小題政府參與後之情形,並以文字及圖形討論政府參與後之短期與長期均衡所在,及其所在之原因與調整過程。
(G) 請比較政府參與與否對短期與長期均衡之影響及其經濟意義。
3. (9分)請用Keynesian school與Classical school之完整模型,仔細分析下列事件對經濟體系內各經濟變數之長、短期衝擊與影響,及其意義:
(A) 塑膠貨幣與電子銀行之日益風行
(B) 通貨膨脹日益嚴重,央行宣佈將運用NCD沖銷15%資金,但卻非預期性地沖銷了20%
(C) 中油為因應石油減產,將提高油價
4. (10分)
(A) 試評論:「由於完全競爭廠商可在既定價格下銷售任何數量之產品,為追求利潤最大,其應可無限擴大產量;至於獨占廠商,因只此一家,故可盡量索取高價,只要提高價格就可增加利潤」
(B) 試評論美國中央銀行總裁Mr. Greenspan所說之:「美國近期景氣高峰乃源自生產力的提升,故通貨膨脹並不顯著,降息似仍不必要」。